NPAworldwide Chairman Jason Elias presents the Community Service Award to Simone Allan (l).
Contact: Veronica Blatt, Director of Corporate Communications
+1 616 871-3323
GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, USA – May 5, 2021 – Simone Allan of Mondo Search Pty Limited (Sydney, Australia) is the recipient of the NPAworldwide Community Service Award. In recognition of this award, NPAworldwide has made a $1,000 contribution to The Women’s Resilience Centre.
When COVID-19 struck in March 2020, causing a drastic slowdown at her recruitment firm Mondo Search (mondosearch.com.au), owner and founder Simone Allan found herself with time and space to think about having a broader impact on her community. In Australia, a woman is murdered by a current or former partner every 8 days on average. Social services organizations have been gravely concerned about the potential increase in domestic violence due to pandemic restrictions. This led Simone to launch The Women’s Resilience Centre (womensresliencecentre.com.au), which has three missions:
- Provide medium-term residential care for women and their children for up to 12 months (crisis care only provides short-term accommodations for up to 12 weeks)
- Provide a trauma-informed, evidence-based resilience program with both clinical and social enterprise capability components, working with the University of Technology in Sydney, one of Australia’s most commercial universities
- Provide a peer-to-peer mentoring service to match thrivers with survivors, utilizing the Mentor Revolution (mentorrevolution.com)
“I am deeply honoured for the acknowledgement by NPAworldwide for this Community Service Award,” commented Simone Allan. “This recognition will not only support global awareness for our resilience program but the donation of $1000 will assist in making these missions happen. It also assists in support in government applications for grants showing that we are gathering community interest and engagement.”
“NPAworldwide is proud to recognize Simone Allan with the Community Service Award for her many years of community service,” said James Lyons, NPAworldwide Chair-Elect. He continued, “The Women’s Reslience Centre is the pinnacle of Simone’s charitable activities. We applaud her tremendous devotion and dedication to this worthy cause.”
The Community Service Award was established in late 2019 to recognize members who are contributing to their local communities, volunteering, doing charitable activities, or impacting people in ways beyond their work in the network. Nominations are sought from the NPAworldwide membership based on the following criteria: Contribution to the audience or community; Impact on people / results for the community; Legacy or enduring difference made; Time invested / significance of sacrifice. The Community Service Award recipient is chosen by a selection committee, with the award presented during the NPAworldwide Global Conference.
About NPAworldwide. NPAworldwide is a global recruitment network facilitating split placements between its members. The network has more than 550 member offices across 6 continents. For more information, please visit www.npaworldwide.com or www.npaworldwideworks.com.
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